ISSN: 1946-1712

Flash 1/2009, #1: Mike Resnick

The Fallen Angel

At 8:32 PM on June 16, 2024, Gerhardt Skarda conjured up Lucifuge Rofocale, one of the major demons of the Infernal Realm, and offered his soul in exchange for three wishes. He was granted, and received within 48 hours, irresistibility to beautiful women, the Chancellorship of Germany, and life everlasting.

At 11:54 PM on June 16, 2024... Read more: HTML PDF 

In This Issue: Jake Freivald

Vote in the Preditors & Editors Poll!

There’s a lot to say about this issue, but first: The Preditors & Editors Poll is up, and polling only runs for about two weeks, so please go vote! I’d be honored by Flash Fiction Online nominations in any of the appropriate categories: Fiction e-zine, Artist (for R.W. Ware, our artist-in-residence), Science Fiction & Fantasy Short Story, Non-SF&F Story, Non-fiction Article (for Bruce Holland Rogers’s “Short-short Sighted” column), Author, and, if I may not seem too immodest, Magazine / e-zine editor. Read more: HTML 

Flash 1/2009, #2: Stefanie Freele

The Flood of ’09

A few, the type who own rubber boots and full-body raingear, like Lawrence and John, stay. Hell, it’s the ten-year flood zone. They knew the bursting river would raise unlocked garage doors and set floatables free. Refrigerators tip, careen, and dump possessions. Anything wood floats.

Gary is dead in the hearse across the street... Read more: HTML PDF 

Flash 1/2009, #3: Robin Gillespie

As Their Eyes Touched God

I heard Susan’s small sigh before she sat beside me, so I made room for her on the roof. A man behind us wept softly; she turned, giving him a small, encouraging smile.

“Mister Valeda,” she muttered, when I didn’t check to see.


She nodded. “His wife shot herself this afternoon.” Read more: HTML PDF 

Short-Short Sighted #8: Bruce Holland Rogers

Get Unreal

They say that truth is stranger than fiction, but they’re not talking about this sort of fiction. Bruce Holland Rogers covers some of the stranger styles of fiction — expressionism, surrealism, magical realism and fantasy — and shows how they can be useful in short-short stories. He offers his story “Estranged” as an example of expressionism. Read more: HTML 

Classic Flash #14: Anton Chekhov

An Enigmatic Nature

On the red velvet seat of a first-class railway carriage a pretty lady sits half reclining. An expensive fluffy fan trembles in her tightly closed fingers, a pince-nez keeps dropping off her pretty little nose, the brooch heaves and falls on her bosom, like a boat on the ocean. She is greatly agitated.

On the seat opposite sits the Provincial Secretary of Special Commissions, a budding young author... Read more: HTML PDF 

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